Screenplay by: Troy Duffy
Cinematography by: Adam Kane
Editor: Bill DeRonde
Cast: Willem Dafoe, Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus
Year: 1999
The over the top violence is so stylized it verges on becoming some kind of absurdly pretentious art house film. It really smacks of what a first-year film student would produce if you gave him a $7,000,000 budget.
Dafoe's character is so bizarre and ultimately inconsequential, you know he signed on just to chew the scenery a lot and take home a nice paycheque at the end of the day.
Boondock Saints also has some of the strangest and laziest editing I've ever seen in a film (I mean what is with all those awkward fade outs? Not every scene has to have a flashback for christsakes!). Carlo Rota's Italian mob boss accent is just atrociously bad and nearly all the exterior shots of "South Boston" are just riddled with so many Toronto landmarks I'm surprised they didn't include a shot of the CN Tower in the background!
I've got to stop listening to the people who recommended this one to me so many times over the years. I'm sure when I watch the documentary 'Overnight' I'll feel some sort of comfort in seeing how much of a dumbass Troy Duffy actually is. I think I'll pass on the sequel "All Saints Day" and watch Reservoir Dogs instead for the trillionth time.
2.5 out of 5
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