Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mad Monster Party

Cinematography by: Tadahito Mochinaga
Year: 1967

A strange relic of the 60's, which for all accounts should stay there. The Rankin/Bass "Animagic" stop motion animation in interesting to look at (albeit very dated), but the story is not nearly as affecting as the other classics like "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer". 

The concept of having all the classic Universal Studios movie monsters, plus a few extras, all rocking out in Frankenstein's castle starts to wear thin only after the first 5 minutes; leaving us with a handful of terribly un-catchy musical numbers and poorly written gags. 

I'd only recommend this to someone who wants to play something kitschy on TV during a Halloween party, or if you're curious to hear what Phyllis Diller's voice sounded like before she destroyed her vocal cords with a trillion cigarettes.

 2 out of 5

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