Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Made in Britain

Directed by: Alan Clarke
Screenplay by: David Leland
Cinematography by: Chris Menges
Year: 1982


Tim Roth's cinematic debut. If I had never seen him before, I would have assumed that they cast an actual skinhead to star in this film. Alan Clarke was a master of the docudrama style, fly-on the-wall aesthetic. One of the most engrossing and cinematic character-pieces ever filmed (surprising it is based on a play). This is one of those films, if you started watching only half way through, you'd think it was a documentary you were watching. My only problem with the film is that it's a bit light on plot and tends to meander here and there, but the character is so intensely evil, he keeps your attention, regardless. 

4 out of 5

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