Friday, December 3, 2010


Cinematography by: Ben Nott
Editor: Matt Villa
Year: 2009


Watching this film is the cinematic equivalent of being forced into drinking a pint of blood; it's extremely difficult to swallow and when you eventually do, it leaves a really bad taste in your mouth.

The metaphors of the "vampirism" (although at times seem clever and somewhat original) often deteriorate into a heavy-handed and obvious message. It makes me think the director might have taken a more subtle approach by cutting in a big title card that flashes "BLOOD = OIL" etc. over and over again. I mean Jesus, that mutant/vampire Holocaust scene was just downright insulting and offensive.

Plus the "jump scares" are about as frightening as an annoying 3-year-old that pops up from behind you seat, screaming "Boo!!!" directly in your earlobe every 5 seconds.

Well, on the positive side, the art direction and set design of this semi-futuristic vampire world is compelling and at least they saved all the best lines for Willem DaFoe-- they would have been squandered on Ethan "one note" Hawke. Man, he sucks (pun intended).

2 out of 3

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