Thursday, December 2, 2010

30 Days of Night

Directed by: David Slade
Based on the comic by: Steve Niles & Ben Templesmith
Cinematography by: Jo Willems
Editor: Art Jones
Year: 2007

An original concept for a Vampire film which has some shockingly graphic scenes (coming from me, that's saying a lot!). Even though this film has BUCKETS OF BLOOD, that alone wasn't enough to save it. I didn't think any of the characters were very believeable or interesting (except the vampires). Speaking of which, Jesus, that was great casting. Those vampires were just super fucking creepy! Minus 1 star for Josh Hartnett; every one of his performances are so dull and monotone I just can't take it anymore. I'd only reccommend this film to fans of the vampire genre or the comic book.
Special note: John Huston's son plays the head vampire in this film, which is pretty cool.

3 out of 5

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